Brisbane Expansion to Tackle Housing Shortfall
“We’ll look at expanding the residential footprint of Brisbane.” No sooner had those words passed Brisbane Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner’s...

Surging Moreton Bay Economy Primed for Investors
A south-east Queensland region has been identified as a nation-leading area for growth, with investment in business and industrial real...

Greenfield Sector’s 33pc Sales Surge Drains Pipeline
Unprecedented levels of demand for new greenfield land pushed lot sales across Australia up by a third in 2021. The latest UDIA report,...

Queensland Commits $1.1bn to Pre-Olympic Rail Upgrades
More than a billion dollars will be spent to bring the Brisbane-Gold Coast rail link up to scratch before the 2032 Olympic and Paralympic...

Marquette Doubles Down with $420m Golden Triangle Office Deal
Marquette Properties has doubled down in Brisbane’s Golden Triangle office precinct and exchanged contracts on a $420-million deal for...

Brisbane Housing Market Insights: December 2021
The Urban Developer’s latest Brisbane housing market insights reveals that the city’s house prices is on track to outperform all other...

Cube Shapes Plans for Sunshine Coast Employment Hub by Renee McKeown
Cube Developments is honing in on the Sunshine Coast’s biggest employment hub, selling out one apartment tower and drafting up plans for...

Brisbane Prices Predicted to Catch Up with Sydney, Melbourne
Brisbane property prices will start to catch up to Melbourne and Sydney’s regardless of what happens with inflation and interest rates...

Billions Pour Into Newcastle’s Hunter Street by The Urban Developer
Twin-tower developments up to 30 storeys are popping up thick and fast in Newcastle’s West End with three major projects in the pipeline...

Record Land Price Inflation as Australians Move to Regions
Australia has chalked up record land price inflation during the past 12 months, triple the highest recorded, as buyers scrambled for...